Abstract Submission is closed!
Based on the EUFN mission we invite all FIB users to present and discuss their results including scientists, engineers and technicians. We kindly ask you to submit your contribution(s) for a presentation at the EUFN Workshop 2022 which includes but is not limited to the following topics:
- Simulation and theory (ion solid interaction, materials degradation, gas assisted deposition, …)
- Instrumentation (new tools, ion sources, detectors, manipulators, navigation, GIS systems, automation/control)
- Correlative Microscopy
- Micromachining
- FIB applications in life science, geoscience and other new fields
- Local characterization and analytics (SIMS/TOF-SIMS, EBSD, …)
- FIB application for failure analysis and circuit edit
- FIB based sample preparation (recipes, best practice) for
This year, a special focus is put on AUTOMATION.
Please follow our submission guidelines:
- Please use our TEMPLATE for the abstract preparation which also includes style guidelines (Word(docx), Word(doc) or PDF) for a common style in the abstract booklet (no further editing from our side will be done).
- Once you have composed your abstract please send it per email to EUFN2023@scopem.ethz.ch with the email subject „Abstract EUFN2023“
- Submit your abstract on March 31st at latest.
- Please keep in mind that the number of available talks is limited so that some oral presentations preferences will be invited for a poster presentation.
Further details:
- Please don´t forget to visit our Registration section!