Abstract Submission – closed!
Based on the EUFN mission we invite all FIB users to present and discuss their results including scientists, engineers and technicians. We kindly ask you to submit your contribution(s) for a presentation at the EUFN Workshop 2022 which includes but is not limited to the following topics:
- Simulation and theory (ion solid interaction, materials degradation, gas assisted deposition, …)
- Instrumentation (new tools, ion sources, detectors, manipulators, navigation, GIS systems, automation/control)
- Correlative Microscopy
- Micromachining
- FIB applications in life science, geoscience and other new fields
- Local characterization and analytics (SIMS/TOF-SIMS, EBSD, …)
- FIB application for failure analysis and circuit edit
- FIB based sample preparation (recipes, best practice) for
Please follow our submission guidelines:
- Please use our A5 TEMPLATE for the abstract preparation which also includes style guidelines (Word(doc), Word(docx) or PDF) for a common style in the abstract booklet (no further editing from our side will be done).
- Once you have composed your abstract please send it per email to robert.winkler@felmi-zfe.at with the email subject „EUFN 2022 Abstract“
- Submit your abstract on July 1st at latest.
- Please keep in mind that the number of available talks is limited so that some oral presentations preferences will be invited for a poster presentation.
Further details:
- Please don´t forget to visit our Registration section!