Abstract Submission
Based on the EUFN mission we invite all FIB users to present and discuss their results including scientists, engineers and technicians. We kindly ask you to submit your contribution(s) for a presentation at the EUFN Workshop 2017 which includes but is not limited to the following topics:
- Basics I: Theoretical and Technical Fundamentals of FIB Processes
- Basics II: Advances in Gas Field Ion Source Microscopes (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, …)
- Basics III: FIB Based Analytics (SIMS, EDXS, EBSD, Raman, …)
- Basics IV: Novel (interdisciplinary) Processing Concepts (laser, in situ, dynamic, …)
- Applications I: Site Specific Metrology and Specimen Preparation
- Applications II: Subtractive Micro- and Nanofabrication
- Applications III: Gas Assisted Processing via Focused Particle Beams
- Applications IV: FIB Processing in Lifesciences, Biotechnology and Soft Matter
Please follow our submission guidelines:
- Please use our A5 TEMPLATE for the abstract preparation which also includes style guidelines (WORD or PDF) for a common style in the abstract booklet (no further editing from our side will be done).
- Once you have composed your abstract please send it per email to eufn-2017@felmi-zfe.at with the email subject “EUFN 2017 Abstract”
- Submit your abstract on April 30th at latest.
- Please keep in mind that the number of available talks is limited so that some oral presentations preferences will be invited for a poster presentation.
Further details:
- You will be notified about the abstract decision till May 22nd 2017
- All presenters are kindly invited to provide a full or stripped-down version of their presentation after the EUFN workshop. They will be uploaded to a password protected sub-page to be available for attendees after the conference.
- Please dont forget to visit our Registration section.